Hope2Sleep Charity
Hope2Sleep is a Registered Charity (No 1168089) run by Sleep Apnoea Sufferers, CPAP & Ventilation Users and Sleep Professionals - all of whom are passionate and committed in supporting people to get the safe restful sleep they deserve!
We are a unique Charity, in that we support patients with all kinds of sleep disordered breathing, such as:-
- Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA or OSAS)
- Central Sleep Apnoea (CSA).
- Mixed Sleep Apnoea (also known as Complex Sleep Apnoea).
- Upper Airways Resistance Syndrome (UARS).
- Snoring (when UARS or OSA is suspected).
- Hypoventilation Syndromes.
- Any other condition requiring CPAP or Non-Invasive Ventilation.
Hope2Sleep has been raising awareness and giving free support since 2009, and we are delighted to have been approved by the Charity Commission as we have big plans, with your help and support too, for the future!
Our Current Aims
Our current aims are as follows, and just like awareness and the diagnosis of Sleep Apnoea has grown in recent years, so will our aims and objectives:-
- Continue raising awareness of Sleep Apnoea.
- Support people who suspect they could be sufferers of Sleep Apnoea, UARS and all Sleep Disordered Breathing, including parents/carers.
- Support diagnosed sufferers of Sleep Disordered Breathing.
- Continue our speciality of giving help and tips to encourage people using all forms of CPAP and Non-Invasive Ventilators, to ensure they remain compliant, resulting in a better quality of life.
- Work with sleep clinics and manufacturers to help them understand the issues many sufferers go through, so that they can help their patients better.
- Keep up to date with, and partake in, new research and keep you updated of this plus other general news.
- Assist in helping make positive changes in the diagnosis and treatment for the benefit of both suspected and diagnosed sufferers.
We do not give medical advice, but we offer support, tips and guidance to signpost you to the correct medical help needed when necessary.
How We Will Help
Initially, the following will take place immediately, but as previously stated, we have big plans that will grow as we do so keep a check on this page which will be updated when we have more support options to offer.
- One of the best means of support is from fellow sufferers who are always keen to help, so for Facebook users it is highly recommended to join the Private Facebook Support Group, and nothing from the group will show up on your friends newsfeeds unless they are also members. All members are asked 3 simple questions when requesting to join which helps our admins only allow genuine members into our group. If our admins have further questions you will be contacted via messenger prior to being approved into the group, so if you request to join and have answered the 3 questions, please check your 'messages waiting' or 'filtered messages' inboxes, as we only allow sufferers, suspected sufferers and carers into the group. It is NOT the place for sellers, advertisers or spammers so please don't waste your time and ours! However, everyone else will be warmly invited and well supported. The image below is our Private Group so you can recognise it, and there is even a 'Join Now' button to take you straight there:-
 | Hope2Sleep Support Group for Sleep Apnoea, UARS + CPAP/Ventilator Users | Private Support Group - 10k+ Members | | This is Hope2Sleep Charity's Private Support Group run by Sleep Apnoea Sufferers, CPAP + Ventilator Users and Sleep Professionals, whose passion is to support patients and raise awareness. Nothing posted in this group can be shared elsewhere on Facebook, so it is a safe place to share your images and requests for help - plus make friends. Admission to the group is by request and our admins ensure our members comprise of genuine suspected or diagnosed sufferers of sleep apnoea, UARS and people on non-invasive ventilation for other disorders, carers, parents of children with sleep disordered breathing and clinicians only. | |
- Following and 'liking' the Public Facebook Page is advisable, as it's another place where we post news and info as it comes to light, and where we raise and share the much-needed awareness of Sleep Disordered Breathing. Do note that comments posted on the Public Page can be viewed by anyone, but in the Private Support Group only other members can see them.
- For people who don't use Facebook we run a Public Support Forum, and it is advisable when joining NOT to use your full real name on there due to it being public. Again, we have screening tools in place so that only genuine people join us.
- We have a Newsletter List and aim to keep people up-to-date with news and new products, so make sure you're signed up to the list if you wish to receive these. We will also send out information to people who don't have access to a computer/email, but we do encourage digital newsletters if possible in our effort to cut down on paper and postage costs. Do Contact Us if you wish to be added to the postal list instead of via email.
- We have a telephone helpline on 0300 102 9711.
How You Can Help Us
Hope2Sleep is a Charity that depends on kind donations and sales of our products. In order for us to continue the work we pride ourselves in, please support us in the following ways:-
- Monthly, yearly or one-off donations, no matter how small, will be gratefully received.
- We also rely on sales of products as the main source of funding our charity, and of course to help us buy in more stock, so placing your orders with us helps immensely, as well as the products themselves helping you get the comfortable sleep you deserve! Now is also a good opportunity to thank our regular customers for their support of Hope2Sleep over the past years, as without the sales we would not have survived this long.
- By following us on our various social media platforms and sharing our posts, as our mission is that soon all people will learn just how common Sleep Apnoea is and know the signs and symptoms to look out for - consequently realising how important it is to get diagnosed and treated.
- We appreciate people remaining on the Forum and in the Private Facebook Group, even after they have received help themselves, to assist us in continuing to provide this same support as new members come our way. Due to the demand for support being huge, we are grateful for all the help we can get!
- Over the years Kath has been approached by people wishing to take on a Fundraising Event, but has always turned this away due to not being a registered charity and diverted them elsewhere with their donations. However, now that we are an official charity we would love to hear from people willing to take on fundraising challenges to help us, and we will keep people informed of your event and support you along the way.
Members of the British Sleep Society
Kath Hope - 6+ years as Expert Patient at Guy's & St Thomas' Sleep Disorder Unit